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Alterna Covid-19 Front Line Care Package Project

May 14, 2020

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Alterna has been eager to lend support to not only the professional beauty community, but to the frontline workers risking their health– and lives– each and every day.

To kick off our frontline care package project, we tapped into our highly engaged Instagram community of more than 60,000 members. We went directly to our fans to have them recommend the healthcare and service workers in their lives that could use some extra TLC from Alterna.

Some requested pampering packages to help de-stress and unwind after countless hours working on the frontline. Others requested products to help scrub away the sweat and germs they had been exposed to– often showering 2 to 3 times a day. Through this community-nominated activation, we have been able to share over 175 care packages with the fearless nurses, radiologists, and doctors working to treat our sick.

Along the way, we’ve met– and been inspired by– some amazing people. Like Autumn Bennett, a cosmetologist in Cincinnati, who founded the group Cincy Beauty Break Room to share inspiration and support during this crisis for beauty professionals in her area.

Through this group, Autumn learned about a beloved client working on the frontline who expressed a desperate need for self-care support, as she and many other frontline workers were washing their hair twice a day and breaking out from PPE. Feeling inspired, Autumn pledged to create and provide care packages to impacted hospitals in the Cincinnati area to help these workers feel better. We were thrilled to support Autumn’s initiative and have since provided more than 100 Caviar shampoos and conditioners to these hospitals, helping to bring a little bit of brightness to their workers’ day.

As a company, we continue to be inspired by individuals who want to help their community and by the healthcare workers who won’t stop until everyone is safe, and as long as we can continue to help, we pledge to continue to do so.